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Legend has it, there's an ancient Lemurian city hidden deep within Mount Shasta, California. For seventeen-year-old Ellie Blake, daughter of the local innkeeper, the tourists' stories all seem like a joke. Lemurian Priestesses spotted on the mountain... Portals to Ancient Lemuria... These people can't be for real.

But, when weird things start happening to Ellie, and the stories converge with tales of energy-vampires and magic, she needs answers. What she finds is a shabby group of Lemurian descendants, living off whatever they can steal from the local hikers.

If Ellie can't keep her distance from Silas, a flirtatious Lemurian Changeling boy living beneath the mountain, she risks becoming something she never imagined possible.

A Young Adult Urban Fantasy

Legend has it, there's an ancient Lemurian city hidden deep within Mount Shasta, California. For seventeen-year-old Ellie Blake, daughter of the local innkeeper, the tourists' stories all seem like a joke. Portals, Big Foot, Lemurians... These people can't be for real.

But, when weird things start happening to Ellie, and the stories converge with tales of energy-vampires and magic, she needs answers.

She never could have predicted what she would find underground... the impossible decision she would be faced with... or, the Lemurian Changeling boy who could rip all her choices away in an instant, if she gets too close. But she can't keep herself away.

A Young Adult Urban Fantasy

"Spiritually tinged YA fantasy that may cast a spell over fans of the Twilight Saga."

- Kirkus Reviews

Legend has it, there's an ancient Lemurian city hidden deep within Mount Shasta, California. For seventeen-year-old Ellie Blake, daughter of the local innkeeper, the tourists' stories all seem like a joke. Portals, Big Foot, Lemurians... These people can't be for real.

But, when weird things start happening to Ellie, and the stories converge with tales of energy-vampires and magic, she needs answers.

She never could have predicted what she would find underground... the impossible decision she would be faced with... or, the Lemurian Changeling boy who could rip all her choices away in an instant, if she gets too close. But she can't keep herself away.

A Young Adult Urban Fantasy

"Spiritually tinged YA fantasy that may cast a spell over fans of the Twilight Saga."

- Kirkus Reviews

“The novel’s lost world premise is one of the oldest in pulp fantasy, but the tone here trends closer to Stephenie Meyer than Edgar Rice Burroughs; the settings here aren’t dazzling kingdoms, but bioluminous caves, glades, public parks, crystal-souvenir shops, and teenage hangouts as the mythic Lemurians lurk amid ignorant humans.”

- Kirkus Reviews

“Benjamin Machle hit it out of the park in Changeling. ... As soon as I thought I knew what was going to happen, what the characters were going to choose and do, I was surprised by satisfying twists.”

- DJ Baldwin

“This was an excellent read! The Lemurian Saga was so well written and captivating and left me wanting more. I cannot wait for the next installment to be released.”

- Brianna B.

Legend has it, there's an ancient Lemurian city hidden deep within Mount Shasta, California. For seventeen-year-old Ellie Blake, daughter of the local innkeeper, the tourists' stories all seem like a joke. Lemurian Priestesses spotted on the mountain... Portals to Ancient Lemuria... These people can't be for real.

But, when weird things start happening to Ellie, and the stories converge with tales of energy-vampires and magic, she needs answers. What she finds is a shabby group of Lemurian descendants, living off whatever they can steal from the local hikers.

If Ellie can't keep her distance from Silas, a flirtatious Lemurian Changeling boy living beneath the mountain, she risks becoming something she never imagined possible.

A Young Adult Urban Fantasy

Legend has it, there's an ancient Lemurian city hidden deep within Mount Shasta, California. For seventeen-year-old Ellie Blake, daughter of the local innkeeper, the tourists' stories all seem like a joke. Portals, Big Foot, Lemurians... These people can't be for real.

But, when weird things start happening to Ellie, and the stories converge with tales of energy-vampires and magic, she needs answers.

She never could have predicted what she would find underground... the impossible decision she would be faced with... or, the Lemurian Changeling boy who could rip all her choices away in an instant, if she gets too close. But she can't keep herself away.

A Young Adult Urban Fantasy

"Spiritually tinged YA fantasy that may cast a spell over fans of the Twilight Saga."

- Kirkus Reviews

Stay tuned for the Book Two cover reveal!

“The novel’s lost world premise is one of the oldest in pulp fantasy, but the tone here trends closer to Stephenie Meyer than Edgar Rice Burroughs; the settings here aren’t dazzling kingdoms, but bioluminous caves, glades, public parks, crystal-souvenir shops, and teenage hangouts as the mythic Lemurians lurk amid ignorant humans.”

- Kirkus Reviews

A Young Adult LGBTQ+ Urban Fantasy

Fifteen-year-old Fred doesn't have much magic... Just enough to be old-man-Lairky's assistant in the Portal room. The most boring job on the island—security guard to the Ancients. He doesn't even get any good Portals to watch. The Sahara Desert... The Siberian tundra... No people. The closest he gets is under a small pier in Florida. Only shadows.

As the only kid in the village, and bored out of his mind, Fred longs for the human world. But the Ancients isolated themselves for good reason. Humans are leeches. Any human that touches an Ancient will acquire all of their magic—passing it on just as easily to the next person that comes along.

But when a group of misfit teens—and a cute girl in combat boots—start hanging out in front of Portal 7, Fred gets impulsive. Instead of reporting them to Lairky, he joins them, covered head-to-toe to avoid contact with his soon-to-be friends.

Accidents happen. Fred knew that. But when he risked what little magic he had, he never expected losing it would turn him into a girl. A GIRL. He likes looking at girls, he never wanted to be one—and he especially doesn't want to hear that he was born female. Even if the girl in the boots likes him better this way.

Coming Soon!

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A Young Adult LGBTQ+ Urban Fantasy

Fifteen-year-old Fred doesn't have much magic... Just enough to be old-man-Lairky's assistant in the Portal room. The most boring job on the island—security guard to the Ancients. He doesn't even get any good Portals to watch. The Sahara Desert... The Siberian tundra... No people. The closest he gets is under a small pier in Florida. Only shadows.

As the only kid in the village, and bored out of his mind, Fred longs for the human world. But the Ancients isolated themselves for good reason. Humans are leeches. Any human that touches an Ancient will acquire all of their magic—passing it on just as easily to the next person that comes along.

But when a group of misfit teens—and a cute girl in combat boots—start hanging out in front of Portal 7, Fred gets impulsive. Instead of reporting them to Lairky, he joins them, covered head-to-toe to avoid contact with his soon-to-be friends.

Accidents happen. Fred knew that. But when he risked what little magic he had, he never expected losing it would turn him into a girl. A GIRL. He likes looking at girls, he never wanted to be one—and he especially doesn't want to hear that he was born female. Even if the girl in the boots likes him better this way.

Coming Soon!

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A Young Adult LGBTQ+ Urban Fantasy

Fifteen-year-old Fred doesn't have much magic... Just enough to be old-man-Lairky's assistant in the Portal room. The most boring job on the island—security guard to the Ancients. He doesn't even get any good Portals to watch. The Sahara Desert... The Siberian tundra... No people. The closest he gets is under a small pier in Florida. Only shadows.

As the only kid in the village, and bored out of his mind, Fred longs for the human world. But the Ancients isolated themselves for good reason. Humans are leeches. Any human that touches an Ancient will acquire all of their magic—passing it on just as easily to the next person that comes along.

But when a group of misfit teens—and a cute girl in combat boots—start hanging out in front of Portal 7, Fred gets impulsive. Instead of reporting them to Lairky, he joins them, covered head-to-toe to avoid contact with his soon-to-be friends.

Accidents happen. Fred knew that. But when he risked what little magic he had, he never expected losing it would turn him into a girl. A GIRL. He likes looking at girls, he never wanted to be one—and he especially doesn't want to hear that he was born female. Even if the girl in the boots likes him better this way.

Coming Soon!

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Don't shake hands with a human. One touch... and your magic is theirs.

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I Think I'll Go Eat Worms

A vagabond journey in gender transition.

After a decade of marriage , Natalie's world takes an unforseeable turn when her husband's gender transition leads to their divorce—and accusations of transphobia. But I can’t be transphobic, she thinks, my best friend is transgender. With nowhere else to go, Natalie hits the road, traveling the country in a camper van with her trans-femme best friend, Joey. It’s not until meeting Vaden, a rock climbing trans-man, that things finally click and Natalie decides to undergo a transition of her own.

Coming Soon

LGBTQ+ Fiction

a group of people sitting in a golf cart under a night sky
a group of people sitting in a golf cart under a night sky

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